I. Origins of the Pro-Life Ethic
- In God's image and likeness, part 1 Genesis 1
- In God's image and likeness, part 2 Genesis 5
- In God's image and likeness, part 3 Genesis 9:2-6
- Mankind is given life Genesis 2:7
- What Cain should have known Genesis 4, part 1
- What Cain did not know Genesis 4, part 2
- The legacy of the first murder Genesis 4, part 3
- Earth was filled with violence Genesis 6
- Isaac vs. Ishmael, what Hagar needed to know Genesis 16
- Esau and Jacob, twin-life in the womb Genesis 25
- God opens and closes Genesis 29
- Sister-keeping is for brothers too Genesis 34
- The best and worst of brother-keeping Genesis 37, 41-45
- Exodus: the ongoing story of man's inhumanity Exodus 1-2
- Is God pro-life? Exodus 2-13
- God is accused of being anti-life Exodus 14 and 16
II. Law of Moses: The Pro-Life Ethic Developed
- Building a culture of life through law Exodus 20:13
- Murder defined Exodus 21:12-14
- Exodus 21:22-25 and the preborn baby
- When we say "pro-life" and "sanctity of life" we mean HUMAN life Exodus 21:28-36
- The biblical pro-life ethic and slavery Exodus 21:2-11, 20-21, and 26-27
- What is bloodguilt? Exodus 22:2-3
- God hears their cries Exodus 22:21-27
- Justice and the biblical pro-life ethic Exodus 23:1-3,6-8
- God is pro-life Exodus 23:25-26
- Life is in the blood Leviticus 17:11-14
- The pro-life ethic & child sacrifice Leviticus 18:21
- Who is my brother? Leviticus 25:36
- Murder mystery! Deuteronomy 21:1-9
III. Israel's History: The Pro-Life Ethic Exemplified
- "Our lives for your lives!" Joshua 2:12-21
- Conquest: Is that pro-life? various passages
- What about Jephthah's daughter? Judges 11:29-40
- Broken brother-keeping as a cause of poverty Ruth, 1 Samuel 8:10-20
- King Saul and the pro-life ethic 1 Samuel 22:6-23
- The pro-life ethic in the life of David, part 1 1 & 2 Samuel
- The pro-life ethic in the life of David, part 2, 2 Samuel 11 and 12
IV. Biblical Poetry: The Pro-life Ethic Reflected
- What is man? Psalms 8 and 144
- With man to dwell Psalm 97
- How and why should I be pro-life? Psalm 112
- The pro-life ethic in Proverbs 1
- Biblical heroes prevent unjust deaths Proverbs 24:10-12
- Pro-life man and woman, king and commoner Proverbs 31
V. Prophecy: Israel Indicted for Violating the Pro-Life Ethic
- Can blood be tainted? Isaiah 1:15-18
- Jonah: Pro-life anti-type
VI. The Gospels & Acts of the Early Church: The Pro-Life Ethic Reinforced
- Parable for pro-lifers Luke 8
- The poor are always with you Luke 16:19-31
VII. Epistles: The Pro-Life Ethic Expounded
Related: Compilation of passages supporting the pro-life ethic throughout scripture
Image credit: Lukas Eggers on Unsplash.com
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