
The pro-life ethic in the life of David

We’re taking a flying leap from our review of God’s law as it develops the pro-life ethic into some portions of Israel’s history that illustrate the principle. We’ll return to passages we’ve skipped over, but since we began looking at the pro-life responsibilities of kings and commoners last time, it’s a good time to look at some examples in the lives of Israel’s first two kings.  We’ll start with David because I think it’s helpful to look at positive examples before negatives. If we first learn to recognize what is pleasing to God, then it’s easier to see the failures. Of course, David did not follow the pro-life ethic perfectly, but the Bible shows us several episodes in which he is exemplary. We’re going to focus on three.  EPISODE 1: How David treated his men - 2 Samuel 23:13-17 The first instance is recorded near the end of the biblical record about David, but may have occurred earlier. Philistines had invaded and occupied David’s hometown of Bethlehem. How long had they been the

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